What can be done with

  Scientific research:
ATOM is modular. This means that it can be viewed as a 3 meta-components system: i) Agents and their behaviours, ii) Market microstructure and iii) Artificial Economic World, with information broadcasting and institutions such as banks... Each of these components can be used independently as well as in complete interaction.
For example, you can use ATOM for the evaluation of new regulation or market procedures with simulations, the potential effects of taxes or new trading strategies in a sophisticated artificial financial environment.
ATOM can be used for Portfolio Management Research, Algorithmic Trading or Risk Management among others.
 Technological advances for your trading systems:
You can either replay past trading days using the real order flow to train your algorithmic trading methods without perturbing the existing price series (i.e. ``as if'' you were in a price-taker, atomistic stock market) or evaluate the impact of your robots in this framework.
 Educational aspects:
ATOM is a smart tool to learn finance : it can be used as an experimental finance software in a classroom or as a simulator for finance newcomers.
ArTificial Open Market”

In need for a synthetic presentation?
Want to try the platform?
Try ATOM (online limited version)

ATOM JS (2 bots with interaction capabilities)

ATOM on Web (design your own market or participate to an experiment)

Download ATOM (The full API, command-line only)

Learning how to use the platform?
Tutorial ATOM
  1.   ATOM is a general environment for agent-based simulations of stock markets. It is platform independent and fully flexible. ATOM allows distributed simulations with many computers interacting through a network as well as local and fast simulations. It can also allow experiments mixing human beings and artificial traders.
  5. ATOM development team
  7.   ATOM is maintained by a joint research team at the University of Lille and University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  8.   In this team, computer scientists (CRIStAL-SMAC, UMR CNRS 9189, team leader : Pr. Philippe Mathieu) and finance researchers (leader : Pr. Olivier Brandouy) work together at the interfaces of their disciplines.

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